Monday, March 3, 2008

Lost Season 4 episode 5: The Constant

OMG, This was by far the best of LOST. It was great, it was perfect, incredible, awesome, revealing, it made sense. Things are finally falling into place with LOST, although I didn't appreciate 100% the fact that time travel is one of the main variables of the show...sounds a lot like science fiction to me. Although there are a lot of theories backed up by mathematical evidence that prove time travel, this still makes time travel a theory. With this episode, it has become evident that Desmond is the most important character on LOST...the whole thing was all Desmond centric and we hardly saw any of the other characters. Another character who has gained prominence with this episode is Daniel Faraday.
As seen in episode 4, Desmond and Sayid had left the island with Frank. While on the Helicopter, they passed the bubble surrounding the island (y 'know, the bubble that keeps the island hidden from the outside world) Desmond experienced some "side-effects", and he suddenly went back to the time when he was in prison. This was the result of the high exposure of electro-magnetism he had received when he saved the world by turning the failsafe key. This passage between the island and the outside world made Desmond experience actual flashbacks to the past. He kept alternating between the present and the past...anyway to make a long story short, Desmond talked to Daniel on the phone and present-day Daniel told Desmond to go talk with Daniel in the past. Past-Daniel told Desmond what was happening to him and he also told him that he would eventually die because his brain could not deal with the stress of time travel. There was one way of saving himself, and that was to find a constant variable present in both the past and the present and make contact with that variable while in the present. That way his mind would anchor itself onto the present reality and thus the flashes backwards in time would stop. It's also important to note that Desmond wasn't being physically transported to the past but rather it was his consciousness that was doing the flashbacks. All this seems very unreasonable to me but I gotta say that I love it and LOST never falls short of pure entertainment :)
Anyway, going back to Desmond's constant: Penny was his constant in the present. There was this whole tear-wrenching scene between the two characters and I can safely say that this was the most romantic episode of LOST so far. In short, Desmond managed to contact Penny (his constant variable) while in the present and this saved his life.
All this has shattered beyond redemption my theory of alternate dimensions, since it's now clear that the island is not in an alternate reality but rather in a warped space-time envelope due to the island's strong magnetic field.
I'm not going to post a preview of this week's episode cos I don't want spoilers of any matter how small and innocent. Well that's it for today. CYA.