Wednesday, February 6, 2008

LOST Season 4 premiere

I'm kinda new to here goes my introduction to this new blog of mine:
I'm an obsessed LOST fan, actually 'obsessed' is a bit of an understatement... lost-freak-who dreams about lost every night...that's a better description hehe. What I like about Lost? Well mostly cos it's such a high concept show: there is so much going on, so many mysteries that never seem to get any answers (though I hope that we'll be getting some answers soon) and the characters are so complex and intriguing. For any one who's been living under a rock these past few years: Lost is a show about a group of survivors from a crashed air plane, who end up on an island. But this is no ordinary island, there are polar bears running around, monsters made out of smoke, mysterious whispers heard in the jungle, visions of the future, dead people coming back to life...and then there are The Others: people who have been living on the Island before the survivors' plane crashed. If you haven't started watching Lost yet, I highly suggest that you do so, you can download them as Torrents or from P2P programs like Ares or eDonkey. or you can buy or rent the DVDs (you'll find seasons 1, 2 and 3 on DVD).
Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse (the executive producers of Lost) have stated that every thing happening on Lost has a logical explanation that does not involve science fiction or the supernatural. This is one of the reasons why I like Lost so much...I really need to know how they're going to explain the smoke monster, Jacob, the whispers and many other things.
Anyway, last Thursday (31st January) was the season premiere of Lost season 4...and I LOVED IT!!! (SPOILER WARNING!!!) I really like the fact that there are now going to be flash forwards since 6 of the characters are going to be leaving the island soon, we know that Jack, Kate and Hurley are 3 of these 6 but we still don't have any idea who the other 3 are...although I do think that Aaron and Claire will leave the island too since Desmond saw them leaving in a helicopter in one of his visions. The flash forwards will deal with the aftermath of these 6 characters leaving the island. Also, Jacob made an appearnce !!! Again! when Hurley stumbled upon his cabin...that was a really freaky scene, I've had nightmares about it. It seems like the guy sitting in Jacob's chair looked a LOT like Christian Shepard! WTF is up with that!? Here's a screen shot that shows exactly what I mean:
Note that the above image has had the contrast increased cos I don't remember the image to be so clear, it was really dark in that cabin. So it could be Christian or it could be someone else. Anyway, in this episode we really did not get any answers, actually I think that there are more questions than ever: who are the other 3 characters who will leave the island? What's the deal with Jacob? Why does Hurley and Jack want to go back to the island? What's the deal with Jacob? What is it that Hurley, Jack and Kate (and possibly the other 3 characters who escaped) are lying about? What's the deal with Jacob? What do the people on Naomi's boat want with the island? (I think that we might get this answer in this weeks epsiode) And WTF is up with Jacob, who is he? Is Jacob real?
I'm just posting a sneak-peek of this weeks episode. Enjoy and check back soon for updates.

Seems like there will be more people from Naomi's boat coming onto the island. Please leave comments.

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