Saturday, February 9, 2008

Season 4 Ep 2 - Confirmed Dead

I gotta say this: this week's episode was the best Lost episode ever. It had everything: intrigue, action, new questions, new characters and....SOME ANSWERS!!!!!! FINALLY!!! It started out with an underwater expedition where Oceanic flight 815 was discovered in a's that possible? Flight 815 crashed on the island it shouldn't be under the ocean. then there are the new characters: Daniel Faraday who is a physicist. There was a flash-back which took us to Daniel's home ; Daniel was watching the news talking about the discovery of the drowned aircraft, and he was crying. His wife (I'm assuming that she was his wife) asked him why he was so upset and he answered "I don't know". I think that this Daniel character might be a bit crazy. Then there is Miles Straume: a ghost buster who cons people for money by supposedly ridding homes off ghosts. The writers want us to believe that he is a real ghost whisperer but I know better (no supernatural, no science fiction, remember?) And then there is Frank Lapidus, he was the Pilot that was supposed to be piloting flight 815 the day it crashed. a flashback takes us to the time when the discovery of Oceanic aircraft flight 815 was all over the news, Frank saw footage of the pilot's corpse, a shot to his hand made Frank realise that this wasn't the actual corpse of the 815 pilot; turns out that Frank knew the pilot and he also knew that he always wore his wedding ring; this corpse had no wedding ring. Finally there's Charlotte Staples Lewis, an anthropologist. When I heard this name I literally sat up bolt straight. Her name is C S Lewis!! The famous writer who wrote the chronicles of Narnia (CLIVE STAPLES LEWIS). The second and last name are the same as the writer's...definitely not a coincidence. This was of particular interest to me because I've always had this personal theory: Lost is dealing with alternate realities. This would explain loads of things: why the 815ers cannot contact the outside world, why no one from the outside world can locate the island. Ben himself said that the island cannot be found on any map. It would also explain why Paolo and Nikki's flashbacks to the day of the crash had different details when we compare them with what we saw in the Pilot episode(what happened in the Pilot episode would have happened in an alternate reality where Paolo and Nikki where not on the plane, or they never existed). It would explain Mikhail's statement when he said that "The Locke I know wouldn't...." (I forgot which episode this was from) could he have said that if it was the first time he met Locke? Unless he knew Locke from an alternate reality. It would also kind of explain why an aircraft which seems to be Oceanic flight 815, would be found at the bottom of the ocean when we all know for a fact that it crashed on the island...and the pilot not wearing a wedding ring? Well maybe the pilot from the alternate reality never got married and the writers included this detail to throw us off the right track: by making us believe that it's not really Flight 815 that was found. The connection with Narnia? Narnia was an alternate reality that was accessed when someone passed a magic wardrobe in CS Lewis' novels. But wait! Magic??? Actually science has mathematically proven the existence of alternate realities, so no magic and no science fiction here :)
Anyway, back to Charlotte Lewis, in a flashback we see her at a digging site in a dessert in Tunisia (Medenine) where a skeleton was found. At first I thought it was a dinosaur but then Charlotte identified it as a polar bear, some more digging brought up a collar with a Dharma Logo: the Hydra station!!!! What the f**k is up with that? A polar bear from the Dharma Initiative in the middle of the dessert! Can't wait to see how they'll explain this.
Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, there have been some answers: We now know that Naomi was not lying about the plane being found at the bottom of the ocean, we also know why the people from Naomi's boat have come to the island: To get Ben. Why? I don't know...seems like answers lead to even more questions. I do think that they want Ben dead since Charlotte did not intervene in the least when Locke and Sawyer where going to kill him. well that's it for this week, can't wait for next weeks episode. Peace out ;)
Edit: I've done some searching and it seems like I'm not the only one who thought of the Alternative-Reality theory. click here. P.S. All that I wrote above has been thought of solely by me, any similarities between what I wrote and what you'll read in the link (click here) is a coincidence. Ok?
The following is a trailer of next week's episode: The Economist

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